There is a beautiful members only land den item currently being sold at Jam Mart Furniture right now. This item looks very similar to the Stone Vanity, but this item is a tad bit more interesting. This item is the Vanity and mirror!
The next item we have is the returning Koi Pond that you can also purchase in Jam Mart Furniture. I absolutely love this item and I heard that it was being traded for a lot of good things before it came out again. I'm so glad it's back!
Next, we have a beautiful aquatic clothing item currently being sold in the Bahari Bargains shop, the finest clothing shop in the underwater town! This item is known as...
*Pause for Dramatic effect*
The Lionfish Armor! Welcome, welcome, Armor!

I love the stripes! They look really great, especially on the black-white colored one and the red and white one! This item is so cool!
Way over on AJHQ's Home, also known as the Daily Explorer, there was a neat news crew report about what their favorite part about Appondale was! How sweet!
I also love the mud! It's so fun to splash in, and it's always nice to get a little dirty once in a while!
I love this report! PAWSOME! That pun really fits in too! I have always wanted to be an AJ Reporter, but I never get the chance to be put on the Daily Explorer... *sigh*
But I'm not going to get upset right now! There's so much more to post!
Today we also have a returning item being sold in Jam Mart Clothing! This has been a very popular clothing item, and I am a huge fan of it too. The Flower Crown is back in town!

It looks great on Foxes! I wish they were for Non-Members though... AJHQ needs to be nicer to you non-members out there, because you guys are GREAT!
Also, we have a very interesting glitch... This one says that you have a rare diamond item and it asks you if you want to recycle it!

It's not rare though! I don't know what the problem is, but AJHQ really needs to fix it quickly!
Also, if you try to purchase a tiger, a cute rabbit will appear BUT with a mysterious spring design! How crazy is that?
Maybe it's an April Fools joke or an Easter Surprise... I don't know, but it's pretty weird!
That's all I have for now. Time for the GIF of the day!
Salad is healthy children! I COMMAND you to eat it! It's good and good for you!
(I also made this by the way. Check out my DA account: )
Love you readers! Goodbye!
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