Considering the fact that my wolf's name is Bouncing Happywolf.

No wonder it's only 5 diamonds. They didn't even work that hard to make this because it looks exactly like the bounce house party except with nothing in it but bouncing stuff and slides..

Hey it's my favorite party coming back in July! So this update isn't "that" crummy! Maybe AJHQ felt bad for us going to the boring places and they wanted to bring back the good parties.. Thanks!

Why does anyone still care about this adventure? I mean, it was fun for me at first, but now you just go back and forth putting seeds everywhere and watering plants. And you have to play the adventure at least 50 times in order to get what you really want from it.. I wonder what's going to happen once everyone has those Earth Crystals but the adventure is gone.. Maybe they'll just be stuck with Earth Crystals forever...

Okay, this page has something I'm actually interested in.. There might be new stuff in the Summer Carnival, but most of the stuff is probably going to be for members anyways, so never mind..
AND HYENAS ARE GONE? When did AJHQ say they were going to leave in the first place? They're just bored of hyenas so they take them away without telling anyone? Wow. Why are they even leaving? They should leave in Winter or something! It's Summer. SUMMER.

Wow an advertisement. No one cares about this AJHQ...
Oh, and they changed the design of the games and stuff but I'm too lazy to put pictures because I'm a big baby xD
There's also a Koala Claw:

Gosh those eyes look creepy..
Alrighty I guess that's it! Time for the gif that shows up in every post!
(This is supposed to represent the Bounce House Den)
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