It's in the title, as you can see.. The brand new item is a Giant Magnet! Pretty neat, huh? Eh, well you might not be THAT excited, but that's alright! This is a very cool item that you can use as decoration, or get one of those Tea Party Tables and put a magnet on there along with some other science stuff...
Anyways...Here is the item!

Hmm... The reason I said Tea Party Table was because this is a members only item, and the magnet looks a bit scratched up, but it doesn't really matter!
Oh! I wonder how big this item is! Can you guys take a screenshot or show me? If I take a screenshot of my friend's den (if they get the item), I might show you guys!
I love this item so much, only 550 gems, just need to save up if you aren't rich... Rich with gems is what I mean!
And now... Jammer Art!
I logged onto Animal Jam today and I got an Artist Plaque! I swiftly ran to Jamaa Township to check if my art was there... I found my artwork BUT I also found others I liked!
Still need to improve on my photography skills..
Countess TheCroc has done a beautiful picture, I'm guessing Five Nights at Freddy's, yes?
Beautiful kitten! I love how it is Snowy White,
very adorable indeed!
Countess FieryEagle, you have excellent drawing skills! Good job on this piece of artwork!
I know for sure I drew this, because I spent an hour trying to copy a picture I found on the internet...
Ahh! AJHQ put the WRONG name on the artwork again!
My name is Bouncing HappyWolf or Fuzzy TheSeal!!!
I hope AJHQ doesn't mess this up again, because they have done this TWICE!
That is all I had time to find because my friends Jam a Grammed me and I lost the other art I liked! I should have took a screenshot of them before... :(
Farewell, Jammers!
I like flying squirrels because they are awesome
Thank you for reading my boring post!
You are officially awesome!
Continue being awesome by reading the rest of my blog, supporting it in any way possible, share it with any friends/family, destroy scammers, and last but not least, JAM ON!
You are officially awesome!
Continue being awesome by reading the rest of my blog, supporting it in any way possible, share it with any friends/family, destroy scammers, and last but not least, JAM ON!
I love you~
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