I do apologize for the very late post. I was playing on Worlize and I guess I got carried away with friends. c:
Welp, I went on Animal Jam for a bit and noticed a nifty little underwater item in Bahari Bargains.
The Little Mermaid Necklace!
Erm... I mean.. A mermaid necklace. The colors added though, the red hair on the mermaid and the green fish tail thing.. Like, seriously? Is this a Disney website now?
Sooo, the Mermaid Necklace is a members only item sold for 550 gems. Wow, 550.. That's a lot for a Disney necklace!
It has cute white beads and then a beautiful mermaid. Wanna see?

New item! I'm not sure if Animal Jam had this before, but wow, it sure is fancy smancy for the members.
I love this item and I think it is so adorable! I hope you jammers like it too, because I sure do!
( Hey, that rhymes c: )
Well, that is all I have to say about this unique item!
And it's very late where I live, almost 12:00 AM?
Farewell, jammers!
Thank you for reading my poorly written post!
You are officially awesome!
Continue being awesome by reading the rest of my blog, supporting it in any way possible, share it with any friends/family, destroy scammers, and last but not least, JAM ON!
I love you~
I like pie
This is how much fun I was having
-I'm Jeremy-
P.S. The avatars belong to Rebornica
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