*Checks the Diamond Shop*
Oh boy, sorry! The owls have come out though! Gosh dangit I just need ONE more diamond until I can get it! I shouldn't have got the Greely's Hideout Den... *Mutters*
Well, yes they have come out! Ten diamonds like the other new animals, and they are so adorable! hhh Yes I love them so much!!! Too bad I probably can't get one until TUESDAY WHEN I GET MY DIAMOND... Cough.
Here's what they pretty much look like...

Yes, they are for members only, which was probably expected... AJHQ you say sorry for the non-members out there! They deserve as much respect as the members do! (I FELT YOUR PAIN) :(
Well, in the Special Delivery adventure, the owl named Rose was flying, and this is what she technically looked like...

Nevermind... o3o
Oh my gosh I am SO SO SO excited to get an owl! Hooray!!!
The luckiest jammers get to have them when they first come out... :T
Oh well... Here's how an owl dances, too.

I hope you get an owl before me, I don't deserve any because apparently I was being too much of a baby because I was mad at my friend for using the name Count The Toes for her panda right after she saw my fox's name, which was Count The Toes... I AM A BABY. #JudgingYouForeverHahaYouAreSoLonely
*Cries in a corner for the rest of my life*
I guess I was being too mean, because she actually told EVERYONE about it, and I know her in real life so yeah...
Hey fun fact everyone I'm being so stupid and telling everyone my age! 11, there now you know that you're reading an annoying 11 year old's blog. CONGRATULATIONS, READERS.
Cheese Louise. Wow well here's what an owl looks like when you're gonna purchase one! :D This is turning out to be a super long post, but just...
Wow nice.. Well NOW here is the owl when you're about to purchase it! Sorry I just HAD to put Obamama on this post.

Oh okay that is technically my wallpaper on my Chromebook, so that's nice to know.
Oh hey check it out I didn't put one here.
Are we getting off track?
Yeaahhhhhhhhhhhh.... <-- What
Okay, now I'm actually acting like an annoying 11 year old. :L
Oh, and another thing.. The pizza parlor den set! Yeah I forgot..
The Pizza Parlor Den Set has won the most votes, probably because all you fellow FNaF fans out there.. I voted for the Art Studio though, so don't JUDGE ME. :(
It is a den set, so here's basically what's in stores.

And this...

I swear I totally need to make a Five Nights at Freddy's place at my den. *Evil face* >:3 Hooray
These items are in the Jam Mart Furniture store, sold with the regular good deals as usual.
Oh hey look, new items sold in the Jam Mart Clothing shop!

BEAUTIFUL ITEMS, YES? Yes sure why not. :3
Also there's a brand new RHINO CLAW in the Diamond Shop! :D
Wow such new things :D

You can stop reading now.. *Cough*
Farewell readers! :D
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