I am so excited!!! Let's learn about the Diamond Challenge, now shall we? :3
This is basically what Sir Gilbert said:
Jammers! Sir Gilbert here with some serious business...
I've got an important announcement regarding OWLS, and I'll be needing your help!
AJHQ is putting together some JAM-Tastic owl surprises, and we need an owl report, written by a jammer!
The report should be concise and should include 2-3 paragraphs about OWLS! The more interesting the better! 5 Reports will be chosen and the winners will get 5 diamonds!
Jammers can submit their report through the Jammer Central. Jammers can also submit through the comment section below. ( The comment section in the Daily Explorer, not the Animal Jam Toast comment section ) Reports are due 9 PM MST.. <-- Whatever that means o3o
Woah, I just checked how many comments and it said that there are about 1,147 comments! WOW! Jammers must want those diamonds! Such greed, though. ( Cri )
Do you want to make a report? Better check the Daily Explorer link, right here, RIGHT NOW!!!
Not sure if you can really click that, but just copy and paste and you'll be fine. :)
See ya later, Jamaa Potaters! :D
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