So the first thing is that Pet Horses are here! Hooray, you can get your pet pony for only 3 diamonds at the Diamond Shop! They are so cute! Especially in the Daily Newspapers in Jamaa...
So adorable!

I love these pets! But I'm saving up my diamonds for a vanishing animal...
That's right, the greatest arctic kitten alive is going endangered! I wonder what those people are doing to them... Here's what the Jamaa Journal had in the papers:
They will SOON be endangered on Animal Jam! That means they are being taken to safety by AJHQ because people are disrespecting these majestic animals! It says here that on March 5th, Snow Leopards will no longer be available in the Diamond Shop! That means that you only have TWO WEEKS TO PURCHASE A SNOW LEOPARD before they become endangered! How upsetting is that? :(
Oh well... I hope all you jammers will get to buy a Snow Leopard before they leave the Diamond Shop!
I'm sure you've all heard of the St. Patrick's Day, or as I like to call it, Leprechaun Day, or Lucky Day. Well, there are plenty of new clothing items in Jam Mart Clothing waiting to be bought! Well, two or three items.. Maybe...
The first new item is the Clover Blanket, available to all jammers! I love this item, and I collected a few before they were in stores because they are so adorable! Aww! ♥

Available in many different colors, and is a really comfortable item for you to wear!
Another new item is the amazing Clover Tie! Sadly, only members are able to buy these items..

I hope you awesome non-members aren't too down in the dumps that this item isn't for you.. But you get the Clover Blanket, and I LOVE that item lots more than the Clover Tie.
Oops, I think I hurt the tie's feelings. S-Sorry tie!
Another not-so-new item is the Emerald Ring, which has technically been sold in stores before, but for you kind of New Jammers, this is great news for you!
Not a big fan of dark green colors, but I'm sure others would adore it! It's a Members only item, sold for 1,000 gems. It's only sold in Epic Wonders, so don't be surprised if it's so expensive!
One more thing before I go! There are brand new Jammie-Grammies that I wanted to show you! Lucky ones, in fact.

That's all I have for today! Hope you learned a lot from this post, and I hope you have a wonderful day! ♥♥♥
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