Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Cool New Hair and Snow Throne!

Huzzah! I was supposed to post about this a couple days ago, but I apparently never stopped to spend time on it! Sorry I have kept you people waiting, but here is the new item.
The Mohawk! This has been in stores before, but for all the other new jammers, it's pretty good news for them. I mean, the members. 
The normal Mohawk color is black, it is NOT for non-members, which is pretty upsetting, but I am bad at describing things so here is a beautiful picture of the Mohawk.
You can't see it very well, and I truly apologize. It is black and the price for it is only 300 gems. Woohoo for members!
It is sold in your regular shopping center, Jam Mart Clothing.
Since I am getting membership I do want to get this item!
By the way, members go to the Epic Wonders store and click the blue orb. Did you see the Snowman Throne?
This photo is used from the animal jam wikia, and I do not own this.

This is a Snowman Throne, what it looks like, it is for members only, and guess what? Since it wasn't a very popular thing in Jamaa, AJHQ has decided to start removing it from Epic Wonders. You only have 2 more days to buy it, so hurry hurry and purchase it! (If you want it)

That is all I have to say today guys! Be awesome, and Jam On!

Thank you for reading my boring post!
You are officially awesome!
Continue being awesome by reading more of my blog, supporting it in any way, tell your friends/family about my blog, and destroy scammers!

I love you~

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