Thursday, January 15, 2015

Moon Lamp and February Holiday!

Yipee! A different lamp that fits in well with the Sun Lamp!
It's the Moon Lamp! 
Oh goodie, another wondrous lamp for the members! Maybe you can put your Sun Lamp next to your Moon Lamp, and kind of make it look like an eclipse is about to happen. That sounds fun! :3
 This item is similar to the Sun Lamp, except the opposite (because it's the moon), and the regular color of it is silver. 
The Moon Lamp is sold for only 400 gems, not too much money, because Jam Mart Furniture has GREAT deals!  The Moon part of the lamp is a thick crescent with a hole for the light bulb to be. I love this item because it is so adorable! ^_^
Yipe! It's small again!!! Why am I so bad at photography?
Anyhoo, you know the Jamaaliday Rescue adventure?
I went to join that one to see if anyone still goes on there, sure enough, I found my answer! Since the holidays are over, NO ONE plays it anymore, except some people who still find it fun.
I think that AJHQ should delete the adventure,
because now that it's January, the holidays are OVER.
But, because February is getting closer, that means that Valentines Day is coming, and AJHQ should really make a Valentines Day party and adventure! I think the adventure should be called...
They're adults, so they should know more than me!
Cheese Louise!
That is all I have time for, sorry!
(I am in school again, so you probably know that I have to work on stuff and BLAH BLAH BLAH...)

Thank you for reading my incredibly boring post!
You are officially awesome!
Continue being awesome by reading the rest of my blog, supporting it in any way, suggesting ideas, share this with any friends/family, destroy scammers, and last but not least, JAM ON!

I love you~

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